Parent Information
The Colorado River BOCES provides Special Education and Related Services to Garfield School District 16, Garfield RE-2, and Yampah Mtn. High School.
The Colorado River BOCES SPECIAL SERVICE PROVIDERS will align services with member districts' Return to School Plans for the 2020-2021 school year.
On March 18th, 2020 Governor Polis enacted an executive order, ordering the suspension of normal in-person instruction at all public and private elementary and secondary schools in the state of Colorado instruction from March 23, 2020, to April 17, 2020, due to the Presence of COVID-19.
Bridging the Gap is a Special Education Newsletter provided by the Colorado River BOCES with updates, information, tips, and ideas to support you and your family.
Post School Outcomes Survey
"Indicator 14 measures state performance on the transition from high school to postsecondary education or employment of students with IEPs.
Specifically, the federal measure is defined as:
The percent of youth who are no longer in secondary school had IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were:
A. enrolled in higher education within one year of leaving high school;
B. enrolled in higher education or competitively employed within one year of leaving high school;
C. enrolled in higher education or in some other post-secondary education or training program; or competitively employed or in some other employment within one year of leaving high school.1"
Local Special Education Directors
Garfield School District 16
Town: Parachute
Julie Goldberg
Garfield RE-2
Towns: New Castle, Silt, Rifle
Denise Rahe
Yampah Mtn. High School
Towns: Parachute to Glenwood Springs
Special Ed. Director: Denise Rahe
Compliance Secretaries
Jessica Zimmerman
Heather Davidson
To request records please email hdavidson@crboces.org & fill out the Records Request Form
Coming soon in MAY, 2022 at Rifle High School
The ENC Field Day is a day for students with disabilities to discover new experiences, learn new skills, and celebrate their own successes. Our hope is to provide a safe environment for students to step out and have the courage and confidence to try something that they may not try in other settings.
The 2022 ENC Field Day will be based on the District Health Protocols.
MVDS Mission is to encourage and support individuals with developmental disabilities, enhance their ability to live, learn, and work in an independent and inclusive manner, and to educate the community about their contributions and capabilities.
MVDS supports adults and children in Eagle, Garfield, Lake and Pitkin counties with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). Our work provides life span services for these individuals, their parents and family members, guardians, colleagues at work, neighbors and friends to promote independence, quality of life, and rights protection.
Exiting CRBOCES website
Family centered conferences designed to offer support, information, and education to parents with children who have a disability, ages birth to 21 years, and professionals.
Exiting CRBOCES website
PEAK Parent Center believes that all children, including children with disabilities, can learn and participate in their neighborhood schools. Every day, PEAK teaches parents, students, educators, and professionals the skills they need to successfully educate students with all types of disabilities and abilities. We do this because all children deserve the chance to become contributing members of their community, which begins at school.
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation believe that anyone with a disability who wants to work, can work, regardless of the type or severity of their disability. They provide a wide variety of individualized services for people with disabilities to allow you to reach your employment goals.