Special Education Staff Resources
CRBOCES Sped Academy will be recorded and sent out to all new CRBOCES and member district staff (RE-2 and G16).
If you have questions in regards to Enrich or the Sped Academy please contact Denise Rahe or Kristy Slife.
CRBOCES offers multiple pieces of training throughout the school year. These trainings are not required training but are provided at no cost to member districts and member district staff. If you attend on non-contract day, Districts and CRBOCES will NOT reimburse you but credits can be used for license renewal.
IEP Checklist
IEP Blank Documents - Colorado Department of Education Blank IEP Documents
Training Videos
Affective Needs Program Guidance Manual.pdf
Itinerant Staff Guiding Document.pdf
OT & PT school versus clinical guidance.pdf
Protocol for the Educational Identification of Autism Spectrum Disorder.pdf
SEL Guidance Document.docx.pdf
Special Evaluation Guidance.pdf
Best Practices for Educating Online by eLuma.pdf
CDE online learning Techniques - CDE online learning Techniques
CDHS-CDE Joint Guidance on Part C and C to B Activities During COVID-19.pdf
CEC + eLuma Webinar Slides_ Teaching Special Education Online During COVID-19.pdf
Copy of Resources, ideas, and strategies.docx
Curious George Gets a Talker.pdf
FERPA and Coronavirus Frequently Asked Questions_0.pdf
FERPA Virtual Learning 032020_FINAL.pdf
GEORGE LUCAS EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION - Tips and strategies to support children's learning.
Handout Wordless Picture Book List.pdf
Hearing and Assistive Technology_3.25.20 (1).pdf
Ideas for Communication and AAC Practice.pdf
Logging Communication and Services - Video on how to log communication and services in Enrich
MKE With Kids Resources & Activities For Parents 🍎.xlsx
Pitfalls to avoid in serving students with disabilities during COVID-19.pdf
Programs distance learning COVID.docx
Questions to help determine compensatory services.pdf
Reading Access and Assistive Technology.pdf
Remote learning resources for parents - Remote learning resources for parents
Techniques for Successful Video Conferencing.pdf